A silver future for Poland Don’t fear the boomers! How Poland is celebrating its old people – and making life better for every age www.theguardian.com
Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens Two icons of unruly artivism, playful ecosexuality and wild irreverence. sprinklestephens.ucsc.edu
Unruly temporalities: Older queer women and non-binary people narrating later-life sexuality Article by Nika Looman, Ladan Rahbari and Katrien De Graeve www.tandfonline.com
PhD Defense Nika Looman Queer late/r life sex. Women and non-binary people's unruly stories hva-uva.cloud.panopto.eu
Intiem verzet Verzet tegen productiviteitsfetisj - Lieke Knijnenburg in gesprek met Katrien De Graeve www.groene.nl
Out of time by Lynne Segal: book review Lynne Segal - Out of time: The pleasures and perils of ageing. Review by Carla Besora Barti
Gaga feminism in representations of ageing , gender and sexuality Article by Sara De Vuyst and Katrien De Graeve osf.io
17.4.25 Tba A winter playlist for the new year open.spotify.com Vrouw Wildevrouw Wijzevrouw book by Eva De Groote evadegroote.be