17.4.25 Tba A winter playlist for the new year open.spotify.com Vrouw Wildevrouw Wijzevrouw book by Eva De Groote evadegroote.be Qualia audio docu by Charo Calvo soundcloud.com Silenced Womb book by Petra Kroon www.instagram.com no sex_no glory book by Petra Kroon www.instagram.com Queer Tarot and other creations by RoseButch www.instagram.com Vrees ons Spoken poetry by Gita Hacham www.rektoverso.be Vibrancy of Silence Documentary by Marthe Djilo Kamga vibrancyofsilence.com Ageism in queer communities Article by Katrien De Graeve, Ladan Rahbari and Nika Looman osf.io Vagues de Chaleur Audio Docu by Charo Calvo vimeo.com De ambulanten Art for Care for Art by Rasa Alksnyte, Justine Maxelon & Ann Weckx www.mus-e.be Boze Bejaarden an 8-part tragicomic operetta podcast set in a nursing home www.nporadio4.nl Zorrola Center of Expertise for Gender and Human Dignity in Advertising and Communication zorrola.be Wijzevrouw Podcast by Eva De Groote & Isabel De Wael open.spotify.com Rebels A documentary about rebels +75 www.victoriadeluxe.be Advanced Style LiLI film night at KASK Amour et Sagesse Brussels magazine that explores the joys and promises of old age amouretsagesse.be