Literary Ageing Buffet

A reading group and buffet to reflect and taste different aged experiences

Much attention is paid to the work of young artists, but less to older artists and writers. At this literary buffet, we sat together and read texts written by women in later life. The readings were accompanied by a tasting of foods and drinks that become tasty, sparkling or simply different over time.

This was the summer of 2022 in the context of the arts festival KONVOOI, focused on young creators. We wanted to bring in a space to reflect on aging and old age, which is often absent in youth-orientated spaces. For this, we collaborated with the feminist reading club ‘Other Women’s Flowers’ to create a reader, a meal and point of encounter for everyone who walked by and wanted to engage.

If you would like to have your own copy of the reader, you can download a digital copy or a printable (booklet) one here:

Digital: reader-bw.pdf

Printable booklet: printable_reader_booklet.pdf

Pictures by Cato Crevits and Isaac Ponseele

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