Vagues de Chaleur

Audio Docu by Charo Calvo

Phalena, a creature from the future and member of an underground society, discovers a sound documentary from 2020. She is surprised to hear women talking about menopause, pregnancy, love, ecofeminism, climate change… Inspired by these women, she decides to record a message for the surface. “If you exist, you will hear me through the slit, the geyser” …

Vagues de Chaleur/ Heat Waves is created by composer sound designer Charo Calvo.
You can check Charo Calvo’s website here for more information and other projects:

Vagues de Chaleur di / by Charo Calvo from Radio Papesse - LUCIA festival on Vimeo.

Réalisation: Charo Calvo
Prise de son: Aurélien Lebourg& Charo Calvo
Texte : luvan
Témoignage des femmes: Lieve Meussen, Andrea Delwaele, Pascale Gigon, Zahava Seewald Christine Stanzcyk
Extrait de textes eco- feministes: Greta Gaard, Catriona Sandilands, Isabelle Stengers
Phalena : Isabelle Wéry
Rina : Sonia Pastecchia
Scientifique : Annette Sachs
Bruitage : Marie Jeanne Wyckmans

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