Amour et Sagesse Brussels magazine that explores the joys and promises of old age The Brussels based magazine Amour et Sagesse (started in 2020) aims to give older people a voice. It aims at sharing and transmitting knowledge and experience between the ages. It explores the joys and promises of old age through life stories, portraits, investigations, gossip, illustrations, photo reports and love stories. The contributions are mainly in French and occasionally in Dutch. The March 2021 issue particularly focuses on the sexuality of older people. The issue includes attention for sex toys, a testimonial by 79-year-old dominatrix Simone and other stories by older people about their sex lives, a contribution on chocolate and caviar, etc. The three pillars of the magazine are: Valuing seniors: Seniors who participate in Amour et Sagesse say that it helps them gain integrity, feel less threatened by society and re-socialize with their neighbourhood. They are proud to participate in the project and to exhibit their work. Fighting ageism: It is necessary to transform the vision of old age. Intergenerational exchanges allow older people to pass on their experiences to younger people. All young and old are welcome. Creating links: The magazine is interwoven with the other activities organised by the Senior Citizens Service of the Brussels commune of Forest (Vorst). These activities create contacts and recognition between the seniors themselves, between the seniors and the instructors, and between the seniors and the inhabitants of their neighbourhood.